
Laser contraction of the PORES on the face

Image of a human face with visible skin pores

Pores –are numerous tubules that play an important role in the physiology of the skin. They are conductors for sebaceous secretions. Secretion of the pores provides the necessary humidity, also supplies the inner layers with nutrients.

 If the secretion of sebaceous glands, going outside, encounters an obstacle, the pore clogs and increases its size. The zone where the extended pores are most visible is called the T-Zone: the forehead, cheeks and nose. 

How does a laser treatment work for facial pore contraction?

• The widespread practice of coping with large pores with creams, tonics, masks, acid peelings have a temporary and unsatisfactory effect. Only laser therapy with Cynosure Icon ™ is the most effective way for their permanent contraction. 
• Laser system Cynosure Icon ™  is latest generation non-ablative Erbium Yag laser, with which the skin is injured in the treated area, as a result of which the intensive regeneration processes are activated. This leads to a new, improved structure of the treated area and a permanent contraction of the extended pores. 

What is the treatment like?

• The duration of the treatment varies depending on the size of the treated area. It takes about 20-30 minutes. The patient feels warmth and slight pinching at each pulse, which is completely tolerable. In extremely rare cases and depending on the area being treated and the sensitivity of the patient, an analgesic cream may be applied 20 minutes before therapy.
After the end of the treatment, hydrating and photo-protective cream with 50 SPF is applied. 

What is the feeling during the treatment?

The duration of the treatment varies depending on the size of the treated area. It takes about 20-30 minutes. The patient feels warmth and slight pinching at each pulse, which is completely tolerable. In extremely rare cases and depending on the area being treated and the sensitivity of the patient, an analgesic cream may be applied 20 minutes before therapy.
After the end of the treatment, hydrating and photo-protective cream with 50 SPF is applied.

What is happening immediately after the treatment?

• Immediately after the treatment, the patient may return to his or her daily duties.
• The treated area has slight swelling and redness. These symptoms can last for 5-7 days.
• You can apply make-up to disguise redness immediately after the treatment.
• It is important and absolutely mandatory for the patient to use high SPF 50 photo-protective creams at least 2 months after the end of the last treatment.

How many treatments are needed to achieve therapeutic effect?

The number of treatments is determined depending on the size of the extended pores. Typically, the therapeutic effect is achieved gradually in 3 to 4 treatments. The interval between treatments is 3 to 4 weeks.

Which is the best time for the treatment?

Laser therapy should be conducted during the seasons in which the affected area is not exposed to direct sunlight. Such are autumn, winter and spring.

What are the contraindications to the treatment?

There are conditions in which the treatment is strictly contraindicated due to the high risk of unpredictable side effects:
• pregnancy
• photosensitivity
• presence of open wounds
• presence of tan from recent exposure to sun or solarium
• patients who are going to have sun exposure within 30 days of the last treatment
• active herpes and other skin infections in the area of ​​the treated area
• malignant skin formations
• in case of systemic intake of drugs enhancing the sensitivity of the skin to the rays, etc.

When will I see the results?

• It takes 3 months after completing the course of treatment to see the complete result. After this period, the need for additional treatments is assessed.