
Benign skin formations

Image of benign skin formations

С напредването на възрастта  по кожата се появяват  различни образувания,  които могат  които могат да бъдат  и напълно  безвредни.

Histiocytomas (dermatofibromas)

These are single nodules that develop on the limbs, most commonly on the legs. They have a rounded shape and a thick consistency. Their colour varies from pink to red. Their removal is only necessary in case of chronic irritation or for aesthetic reasons and is performed by surgical excision.


These are harmless small formations that appear as skin growths, most commonly located on a “foot”. Fibroids range from 2 to 5mm, with smooth surface and with the colour of the skin. They are located in the areas of friction such as the neck, eyelids, armpits, groin or under the chest. They can occur in adolescent and adult age as well as after pregnancy.
Fibroids, as a result of long-lasting friction, can irritate and inflame, requiring their removal. Typically, the removal of fibroids is not associated with relapse at the same site and does not result in the appearance of more fibroids.

Seborrheic keratosis

These are common benign formations in adults (after 40-50 years), with a brownish-black color, slightly raised above the surrounding skin, with a size of 1mm to 10cm. They are found all over the body, but most often are on the face. Their surface is crumbly and sometimes pieces of it can be torn. In chronic irritation and inflammation, seborrheic keratoses are advisable to remove. 

Milium Cysts

Milium cysts are harmless, small, white epidermal cysts filled with skin fat that do not have an opening to the surface of the skin. When there they are many, the face looks like sprinkled with grains. Most often are found on the face (under the eyes) and may occur in people of all ages. In infants, the milium cysts disappear by themselves, unlike in adults. Removing them at home has a risk of infection and scarring.


These are benign formations that consist of blood vessels. Their colour is bright red and their dimensions range from 1-2 mm in width to 1 cm in diameter. They can appear on the skin of the whole body, but are most common on the back. They can affect men and women, usually over 30 years of age. These red “moles” are often an indication of skin aging as well as a consequence of chronic sun exposure. Although benign and harmless, they may become inflamed or bleed in case of trauma. They can be removed by a single laser treatment.